A Very Sad Day: A Short Story
In "A Very Sad Day" by Lizz Cruz Petersen, a child's world is shattered when her beloved, imperfect statue of Jesucristo is unexpectedly replaced with a new, flawless one, leading her on a poignant journey of resistance, loss, and ultimately finding solace in preserving the memory of her original, cherished companion.
"A Very Sad Day" is a poignant story narrated through the eyes of a child who wakes up to a very sad day. The day starts like any other, with the sun shining bright and Eli greeting her stone sculpture of Jesucristo, her best friend. Eli shares her morning routine, expressing a special bond with the statue, treating it like a guardian angel who never lets her down.
The anticipation of a surprise from Mami keeps Eli excited throughout the day, but her world shatters when the surprise is revealed to be a new statue of Jesucristo. The new statue lacks the imperfections that made the old one special, leading to a heartbreaking realization that Mami has replaced her old friend—the child protests, expressing anger and sadness at losing her unique, imperfect companion.
Despite Mami's attempts to explain the necessity of a new statue, Eli refuses to accept it. She kneels in prayer, not for forgiveness, but to be reunited with her old friend. In a touching moment, Eli visits the discarded statue, covering it with care and spending a final moment with it. She holds onto the memory of her original Jesucristo, refusing to confide in the new one, believing her old friend still listens to her.
In the end, Eli finds solace in keeping the promise made to her original Jesucristo, choosing to remember and communicate with the old friend in her heart. The story captures a child's innocence, attachment, and resilience in dealing with unexpected change and loss.
“A Very Sad Day,” by Lizz Cruz Petersen. Drumvoices Revue: Words from the Cities, Part 2: Prose Voices of Contemporary Urban Cultures, vol. 10, no. 1-2, 2001/2002, pp. 53-54. https://collections.carli.illinois.edu/digital/collection/sie_drum/id/2735